We are fun group of women of all curling abilities, from the novice first year curlers to women that have been curling for .......... well, we won't say how long.
We welcome all who identify as female to come out and enjoy a great evening of curling and socialization.
League Details
Our season runs from September through March, with a break over Christmas.
If you have any questions about the Tuesday Women's League, please contact the league at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Draw Time(s): 6:45pm & 9:00pm (alternating weekly)
If you are not ready to commit to a team or a full year of curling, consider joining our Spare List.
We have a Spare Coordinator that does her best to fill the needs of our teams.
Spares will be contacted via email the week prior to a game, and are placed on a first response basis.
If you would like to join our Spare List, contact our coordinator at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We are a league that likes to have fun, so our social committee arranges ice-breaker events, a December Holiday and a ear-End party, and our ever popular Rock Stars competition.
Be ready to test your skills during your game to earn entries in the Rock Stars competition.
Make a double take out, or a hit and roll ... you could be our lucky winner at the end of the draw.
- Contact Name for league: Katharine Morrison
- Contact Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.