Registration open for most leagues
Most VCC leagues now have their registration forms available online at the VCC website ( Those leagues without registration forms on the VCC website should have one there shortly. Some things to know when you are registering:
- You are required to fill in a league registration form on the VCC website prior to curling in that league.
- You need to fill in a registration form for every VCC league you will be curling in this season.
- Some leagues collect their league fees online and some don't, but you will pay annual club and association fees to VCC online when your register or in person at the pro shop sometime after registering.
- You won't be charged again for the annual VCC membership fee when you are registering in two or more leagues.
- You won't be charged twice for Curl BC and Curling Canada association fees if you have already registered for a VCC league or paid these association fees on the Curling I/O system through another curling club
- If you are registering to curl at another club that is not on the Curling I/O system - Royal City for instance - then you will be paying the Curl BC and Curling Canada association fees through VCC. Keep your VCC receipt of payment for association fees to present to the club not on Curling I/O and that club will either not collect the fees or provide a refund.
Registration open for learn-to-curl programs and novice leagues
VCC is offering learn-to-curl programs on Saturday afternoons, starting Sept. 24, and may offer another program on Thursdays at 4:30 pm. For more information and registration go to our learn-to-curl webpage. Registration is now also open for Saturday junior program and Wednesday teen program.
The Monday Novice League is full, but we are taking names on a waitlist in case anyone drops out. The first of four five-week Saturday Novice Leagues starts on Sept. 24 with games this season in the afternoon, rather than 7:00 pm.
New Open Doubles League on Saturday evenings
A new Saturday Open Doubles League will run for two 10-week sessions in the 2022-23 the season with separate registration for each. The first league runs Sept. 24 to Dec. 10 (no curling Oct. 29 and Nov. 19) with games at a mix of 7:00 pm, 8:25 pm and 9:50 pm each evening. This league is open to all levels of curlers and, depending on number of teams, we will ideally have more than one pool/division to have balanced games. Click here to register for the fall session.
New Saturday Rec League this season
VCC is offering a new Saturday Rec League in the evening this season that is aimed at new and novice curlers but open to all level of curlers. There will be two separate fall and winter 10-week leagues with the fall league beginning Sept. 24.
Contact Richard if you need help finding a league or teammates
Our membership services coordinator, Richard Brower, will be running a curling matchmaking service again this season, helping leagues and curlers find each other or trying to put curlers together to form teams. If you are looking for a league or team to join, contact Richard at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or 604-874-0122. Richard can also provide advice on a suitable league or program for you.
Stones have reconditioned striking bands
The ice crew is looking forward to showing off the fresh new look of the houses, hog lines, and Vancurl logo. Helping us showcase the ice this year will be our stones with freshly reconditioned striking bands. The work done over the summer has reprofiled the stones back to a rounded edge, which will give the stones way more striking power when they contact each other. You’ll notice this especially with hits on stones in the house, as it’ll take way less weight to move an opposition stone out of play.
The ice crew is also utilizing a new tool out there this year called Eye on the Ice, which will give us, and you, a better snapshot of what ice and air conditions are doing at any given time. The Eye on the Ice system is a high-end temperature tracker that we use at competition level events. As well as inform the ice technicians of any problems that may be arising with temperature loads, it helps us make long term strategies to help deal with reoccurring heat loss/load issues, air mixture problems, and can even help us forecast issues with the overall shape of the ice/sheet.
As always, please feel free to come and ask questions, chit chat, or bring forward any issues that need our attention From all of us on the ice crew, welcome back, and good curling this year!
New VCC jackets in an array of colours and sizes
Our new jacket designs are completed and there is a full sizing set in the pro shop. So, this season it's time to look like a pro with a Vancouver Curling Club jacket by Dynasty (same as the Brier, Scotties, Team Canada, etc!). Each jacket is custom ordered specifically for you. MSRP is $165 plus tax, but as an introductory offer we're selling them to VCC members for $115 plus tax.
Pro shop open weekdays in August
We don't have all our new fall stock in yet, but some things have been shipped to us and more should be arriving in the coming weeks. New items for the coming season include brooms from Goldline and Asham with design changes to the heads. We carry stock from Hardline too, and can special order any items from any curling supplier.
Membership services coordinator Richard Brower will be in the pro shop up until about 6:00 on weekdays this month. Call him ahead of time at 604-874-0122 to let him know you are coming and to inquire about available stock.
The new Impact broom head from Goldline is similar to those found on Hardline brooms.
Competition coach course at VCC, Sept. 10-11
Curl BC will be holding a competition coach course at VCC on the Sept. 10-11 weekend. If you take the course you would be eligible to work as a part-time coach at VCC, dealing with rental groups and/or learn-to-curl programs. Contact membership services coordinator Richard Brower at 604-874-0122 about becoming a VCC coach. We're always looking for more coaches!
Lockers available online on Aug. 20
Men's and women's lockers will be sold online only this season with registration opening at noon on Aug. 20. The price starts at $200 and drops to $140 on Aug. 27 then $80 on Sept. 3. The lower prices apply only if the lockers are not sold out.
AGM on Sept. 12
The annual general meeting has been scheduled for Monday, Sept. 12 at 7:00 pm in the upstairs lounge. An information package will be sent out to VCC curlers in late August.
Bonspiel registrations now open
Registration for all club bonspiels for the 2022-23 season is now open on our competitions page. The first bonspiel of the season is the Double Back Bonspiel, Sept. 9-10.
Marianne Forrest broke a VCC gender barrier
By Ron McKay, Honourary Life Member (2016) and Past President (2018-19)
Marianne Forrest was one of the first two female Honourary Life Members.
The one thing shared by the honourary life members, past presidents, current board, committee members, coaches and volunteers is the desire to “improve” upon the past and make a positive contribution to VCC. The Vancouver Curling Club has a long history, having been established in 1912, but it took some time for women to be fully involved.
“Women’s curling at the Vancouver Curling Club started around 1948, as it was at that point women were being asked to form their own leagues,” says VCC historian Kathy McInnes, a past president (2003-04) and HLM (2014).
Prior to 1993, VCC was owned by Vancouver Curling Club Ltd., and members were expected to buy shares to be able to curl and be on the board. This could be read as “men only,” as it wasn’t until the 1970s that women were allowed to purchase shares. One share allowed them to participate at an AGM or serve on the board.
After 1993, the limited company was folded and the club was taken over by Vancouver Curling Club Association, registered under the BC Societies Act.
It wasn’t until 1998 that VCC had its first female HLMs - Marianne Forrest and Arlene Watson. Their selection was also noteworthy in that neither was a past president, which is not a requirement of becoming an HLM. Keith Switzer, past president (1995-96), was also named an HLM that year.
“Marianne was a fixture in the club,” says Keith.
“She was there and ready to pitch in no matter what the effort was about. She had a remarkably strong will and helped to keep everyone in focus. Her tackling the secretarial duties on the board ensured she was informed, involved, and instrumental in pointing to commitments not yet quite delivered upon. She was a fine curler too, who cultivated others to play the game. We missed her when she moved to North Kamloops. But she did stop in periodically to say hello and see how things at the Vancouver Curling Club were holding up.”
Croft Bain, past president (1999-2001) and HLM (2000), notes Marianne was not just on the board but a long-time volunteer.
“When I was involved with the Charity Skins or any other event or bonspiel, Marianne was behind the scenes setting tables, washing, ironing tablecloths, and helping wherever needed. She had a ton of energy.”
Carol Kent is a past VCC volunteer of the year and took over as the blind league coordinator after Marianne left Vancouver.
“Marianne, for her last few years at the Vancouver Curling Club before her move to North Kamloops, didn’t curl but she continued to volunteer and lead the Vancouver Blind Curling Club. She worked a lot of bingos to raise funds to support the Blind Curling Club, which remains her legacy at the Vancouver Curling Club.”
I (author Ron McKay) joined the Vancouver Curling Club in 1997 and volunteered alongside Marianne for open houses and bonspiels. It was Marianne and Croft who nominated me onto my first VCC board of directors.
Marianne had served as secretary on the board for a long time prior to my involvement. I still remember commenting to her that she was “old school” given that she took the meeting minutes using secretarial shorthand that resembled a nest of squiggle snakes on paper and was undecipherable for anyone not trained in that lost art. She was incredibly giving and went out of her way to ensure that I knew about the history of the Vancouver Curling Club, introducing me to many of the older members.
This article is also Marianne’s legacy to you, the current members of the Vancouver Curling Club. A call to volunteer, coach or serve on a committee or the board. The annual general meeting is being held on Sept. 12, including the election of new board members, and we’re often looking for people to fill spots.
The next time you’re at the Vancouver Curling Club take the opportunity to look at the board that shows the list of honourary life members and past presidents. It’s located around the corner from the pro shop and general manager’s office.As you enter the facility, you’ll also find a board that shows the current board members.