Welcome to the home page for the Granville Island Open League!
If you have a team looking to join, you are welcome to get on the waitlist for future seasons when vacancies emerge. Please e-mail the league representatives to add yourself to the team waitlist.
If you would like to spare in this league, please fill out this form to add yourself to our league-specific spare list.
Draw Times: Tuesdays 6:45 pm & 9:00 pm (alternating weekly)
See Granville Island Open League Rules at the bottom of this page.
If you have any questions about our league, please contact a league representative:
- Dorothy Higa: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Ricardo Bortolon: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Granville Island Open League Rules
The Granville Island Open league has three rounds each season: round robin, pools play, and playoffs. Standings in the round robin and pools play are determined by points during that round (no carryover). Ties are broken (in order) by head-to-head results in the current round, points during all rounds, and draw to the button. If multiple teams are tied, the tie-breaking procedure applies anew once any teams are separated.
Team points are awarded 12 points for a win, 8 points for a tie, 4 points for a loss, and 0 points for a forfeit (absence). The organizing committee may, at its discretion, award a loss instead of a forfeit if it determines exceptional mitigating circumstances applied.
Teams are expected to be on the ice by the scheduled start time. A team must have three players in order to play. Late arrivals: If a team arrives 5 minutes after the scheduled start time (6:50 pm or 9:05 pm), the team loses 1 point and hammer. After 15 minutes the late team loses 2 points and hammer. After 30 minutes, the late team loses by default. (Curling Canada's Rules for General Play state that if a team arrives 1 minute after the scheduled start time, it loses 1 point and hammer. However the period of grace is extended to 5 minutes for the Granville Island Open League.)
Games finish at 8:45 pm & 11:00 pm. When the bell goes off (30 minutes before finish time), teams may complete the end they are in and play one more end - only if the game finishes by 8:45 pm or 11:00 pm. A new end starts once either team has cleared its stones.
During the round robin and pools play, hammer is determined randomly by a coin toss or other agreed random procedure. No more than two substitutes are permitted, and neither can play the skip position.
The Granville Island Open League will not apply the no-tick rule in the 2024/25 season.
Playoffs Rules
Substitutes must throw first or second and cannot skip or vice-skip.
Where there is only one substitute in the playoffs, the substitute must play lead.
The higher-seeded team from the pool games is awarded hammer for the first end and choice of rock colour.
Ties are broken by draw to the button. Sweeping and skipping are allowed, and rock must be in the house to count. Any player on a team may throw the tie-breaking rock, except spares.